bits and pieces, miscellaneous, odds and ends, jumble, all sorts, scraps, this and that, odds and sods, left overs, sundries, other bits, bits and bobs, titbits, snippets, excerpts and words and pictures and tips and recipes
Remember to click on next➤ for the next story➤ in the sequence.
Remove the legs from your turkey,
pin on a hundred chicken drumsticks,
and have roast centipede for Xmas.
Xmas Deco
Have you been given some lovely red candles with mauve stripes on a green stand?
Or was it a group of plastic angels playing the saxophone?
Or was it a battery operated mother doll washing her baby in a tub.
They are just too beautiful to use at Xmas.
Why not donate them?
Last Xmas I took my wonderfully carved wooden Adventskranz for 4 candles
and placed it on a window sill where everybody could see it
in the building where I work (or hotel or clubhouse or pub or where ever).
The next day there were three candles on it,
day after some green branches around it,
then four candles, four completely different candles.
I last saw it in February.
Cold turkey treatment on Boxing Day!
Yule it to me!
Es heißt nicht igit, es heißt igitigit!
Take a cookie cutter to your heart!
Warum hat Christa ein Instrument, das sie nicht spielen kann?
It's not that I'm far away – I'm just not here.
Er hat ihr Perlen geschenkt – Holzperlen.
I hired a car in Bodo and drove down south;
in the middle of Oslo I was surprised to see directions for Newcastle.
Das ganze Leben ist ein Spiel und ich spiele mit.
It is autumn.
The terrace door is open.
The leaves fall.
The leaves blow inside
and decorate the floor.
Ihr Leben war kleingehackt; könnte er was retten?
I saw Petula Clark in Krooner Park.
Big Tone knows all about BTUs,
he once calculated the heating requirements of a house in BTUs.
You need more than one leg.
PAIN of the second sort lasts longer!
Take a cookie cutter to my heart!
Did you take everything for you?
Was it for you or with you?
You put it on a plate.
Is it still there?
Do I need it again?
You took a cookie cutter to my heart.
Kein Kommentar!
Can you eat a wegs-chicken?
I rose over the clouds, underneath it was raining, but I can see as far as I will.
Braucht man einen Wirklichkeitsprüfer wirklich?
Picture frame? – Use an old lavatory seat!
Presumably without lid and hinges, or perhaps your pictures are always covered.
Stefanie war beim Geburt achtzehn Jahre alt.
The blood ran down my forearms.
He ripped the shirt from his body,
after removing the buttons with his teeth.
He liked me so much –
he put a steel chain and padlock round my waist.
Be I biped?
You are triped?
Take your choice: inebriate or incontinent!
He was one of those people who need a second mouth –
for his other foot.
not the extraordinary, not the ordinary, just the unordinary
Apparently tortoise is not the Irish word for king.
Big Tone explained to me today what a grommet is.
Ganz kurz über den Humor der Glühbirnen!
She does not know what country she is in and doesn't care.
She can sit in the corner for hours with a book,
a glass of red wine and piece of bread.
From time to time she dunks the bread in the wine and eats a bit.
If there is no chair in the corner she sits on the floor.
Where will I take you?
Not next door, but next door but three.
Ich habe uns entschieden.
Thrupence bought a cheese roll from a machine in Writtle.
Where will I take you?
To the end of my dreams.
The underground railway ran underground.
The underground railway ran underground because it was ugly.
The underground railway had three stations.
The first station was only for politicians.
The underground railway never stopped at the second station.
The underground railway never stopped at the third station.
My name is Jim.
But have you a story to tell?
What do you mean?
What story to tell?
Ich war total total!
Oh, Dad! You can't run away from a hole in the sky.
He turned the knife and saw the signs of another life.
Man sollte die Nachbarn erst im April erschießen.
Boil root vegetables with cold water,
other vegetables in water that is already boiling.
Brush your teeth with the other hand from time to time,
even if you use an electric toothbrush.
Gibt es etwas zu essen, das bissbar ist?
I wanted to put a daisy chain around your neck.
I've got a 7 KW electric heater at home.
sad but glad
Es lag überall Glückseligkeitspfützen.
picture of the author covered in cashew nuts
I saw pictures by Chagall and Kandinsky in a museum.
If they could paint like that,
then I can write like I do.
Do you like roll mops for breakfast?
Your mother was a porpoise with three wings?
When you have only one eye you can't see double.
Don't kill me Thursdays!
maladroit is such a nice word.
bifurcated is such a nice word.
Sandwich is in Kent.
Politicians say man should go to Mars.
I say politicians should go to Mars; and stay there.
The role of the mobile telephone in the Norman Conquest.
Stuff you!
coffee togo
Perhaps he meant it.
I sit here.
I have ideas.
But no stories come.
I have ideas.
But no stories come.
bras made holy by screwing the dog buckets
Glück ist, wenn man viele Beine hat.
Apparently cockaleekie is not Hebrew for a deep-fried Mars bar.
He gathers nuts in May. He is a nutter.
Derr juaj është në Londër.
Summer time – and the repeats are so easy!
Guck einem Gauleiter nie ins Hinterloch!
I want shepherds pie with real shepherd in it.
I just want to have a bit of fun.
Sie hat eine Stimme wie eine Kreissäge.
The power is like tea and biscuits.
First the salt and then the vinegar.
Es ist unbedingt erforderlich das Salz vor dem Essig auf den Fritten zu schütten.
Wer ist Clarendella?
There is no need to drop cupcakes into the river from the bridge.
They don't burst into flames.
Life is a plastic moulding.
good bye!
Chilli con Carne
is a spicy stew made from chilli peppers,
minced/chopped/ground meat, garlic, onions,
and cumin. TIP: use chunks of meat instead.
Time went on but what did I care.
Daimler does not make Daimler cars.
Rover does not make Land Rovers.
My Mother drove an Astra years before millions of Germans did.
The Japanese drive on the left.
The English drive on the left when tourists are in the area.
If it were said that I wrote children's stories for adults I would not be unhappy.
Inn thheeemmorring saad meebkfast.
Let me address this envelope with a speech.
Don't eat your friends – it shortens their lives.
When I came home she hid her brain in a bucket under the sink.
Did Robin Hood have a sister named Kooka?
Take the rings off your fingers before you artificially inseminate a horse.
chocolate on the edge of the void
I have been married so long,
my wife is a terrorist.
You think that I know women.
How can that be?
I am only a man named b.
California is on Nine Mile Ride.
This piece of hair is always hanging down in my face.
I want to cut it off.
Grab a knife!
Oh yeah!
Cut it off!
the ½%
Why do the ½% always win?
Why can't you predict what they do?
Why do the ½% ignore you?
They don't find you boring,
no, they can't even see you.
They are always there, but
The Sophites, also known as the Band of the Glorious,
lived in Zomaryland which lies between Canada and USA.
In the morning she made me breakfast.
I want to keep you in my apartment for the rest of my life.
Oh! And never let me out?
No! You are the best thing that has happened to me since Father Xmas.
I dreamt of a black goitre.
First the salt and then the vinegar!
Any chance of becoming a human being?
No, not really!
I am the god of hell fog!
Have a bad day!
What is?
Küpsetatud oad tomatikastmes
Gebackene Bohnen in Tomatensoße
Witte bonen in tomatensaus
What if they are not big enough?
Put each one for five minutes completely
in your lover's mouth every day.
She sat in a tank of red liquid.
There were sardines everywhere.
I think when I was very little I learned the alphabet in four rows:
We are not crazy.
We are crazy.
She gets what she wants from her boyfriend.
She gets what she needs from me.
She wore a pea green dress.
I had a torch to sell.
Don't shake the ladle!
Any chance of you becoming a human being?
No, not really!
She is puzzled up.
Durch Ignoranz ist jeder arrogant!
I know what I know;
I don't love you.
A kick in the head
is better than
a pointed stick in the eye.
all durch statt al dente
I spell my name with XQZ in the middle
just to show what I am.
Kick the kettle and win a trip to the moon.
Write with chocolate!
Go and varnish the roof!
Go and vanish the roof!
On long journeys allow for the curvature of the earth
otherwise everything gets thin.
If you remember that
a meter is a bit less than a mile
you can go far wrong.
There is only one game that I play
and I have done it since I was born.
Tie a ribbon round your organ!
bird table?
Use an old large plastic chopping board from the kitchen.
Easy-to-clean after the birds have shat on it
and doesn't hurt your head when gardening.
Sing it!
I wash my fish balls in the morning.
Du hast Fledermäuse im Glockenturm!
Hoping is not bad, we all do it,
but sometimes hope needs a little help.
Go and clean your toothie-pegs!
1 level teaspoon salt and
8 level teaspoons sugar in
1 litre of clean drinking water
There are people in this part of the world
who will take a carrot and break it in half
and say that they have achieved something.
Now is the time for the ladies to retire to the drawing room
and the gentlemen to the library to smoke cigars.
I got a right chinderling from her.
Stand on your tooties!
Tattie-howking is hard work.
He talked like a thesaurus, lots of words but no meaning.
If you want to look intellectual, wear black.
I used to be a drunken sot,
until I discovered alcohol.
Calm down my beauty!
My little wonder child!
Guck mal, ich bin gaga!
If you gut chickens all day
you will have nice hands.
You smell of electric fencing.
Are you piddling in the corner again?
Oh, yes! Alzheimer you gotta practise.
The role of the mobile telephone in the French Revolution.
I'm going to lie on the floor and scream.
Normale Leute sind hier unerwünscht.
I get those postnatal depressions
every time a politician is born.
an empty champagne bottle on the railway line
Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch, and Jail Bait
I walked round the house with a doily on my head.
I've tried that already! Twice!
And I did not like it!
And if you try that on me
I will throw you to the ground and
stand on the side of your head
until your skull cracks.
Oh, you are a violent so and so!
Schönheitschirurg warb mit Diesel aus menschlichem Fett.
Sternstunden der Ausgräber
Can lawyers and politicians be surgically removed?
rusty buckets hanging in the tree
I make love to her when she is asleep.
She is not frightened of sex,
but she prefers it that way.
She has the most lovely dreams.
Monstro City
BIRTHDAY CALENDAR – January to April
BIRTHDAY CALENDAR – September to December
Klick auf den Kessel, um nach Hause zu gehen!
Ich kann nieder wieder zurück.
More of the same but who knows just some.
He said, Stuff you! Perhaps he meant it.