Green Tomato Chutney

A recipe from the Story Kettle

StoryKettle » Recipe » Green Tomato Chutney

Copyright © 2009, Michael M Wayman

Peel, slice and core the apples. Peel the shallots. Cut the tomatoes in half. Put through a mincer (grinder) with the dried fruit.

Open window. Boil the sugar and vinegar in a large pan. Add the lemon juice, seasoning and minced ingredients. Simmer very gently for about 3 hours until the mixture is thick.

Pour into hot jars and seal. If you have metal lids to the jars it is a good idea to line them with grease-proof paper, because of acid in the vinegar (which could rust metal lids). Label each jar “Green Tomato Chutney” with date.

This chutney will keep for two years or three and improve with keeping. Eat with (hard) cheese, curries, sausage rolls, etc.

green tomato chutney recipe

Pickle recipe for Green Tomato Chutney typed by my Mother.

See also Bengal Chutney