Every man needs a hobby. I decided to start a harem, a collection of women between sixteen and sixty. The big problem: how do I find the girls?
I thought long and hard about it, I called it HAP, Harem Acquisition Programme. I knew that it would be an ongoing activity, some girls might leave from time to time, my tastes would change. I decided to go to the supermarket and see what I could find.
I didn't find the first girl, she found me. I had just entered the supermarket when a young woman, a girl in her early twenties, jumped into my shopping cart and said “I'm called Honey-Bunch. Take me home with you!”
The second woman was quite different. Honey-Bunch was always jumping up and down, very lively, she had always something to say, she wanted to help with everything. No, Mrs G is very quiet, she was about forty or about fifty in age.
I noticed that Mrs G was always buying figs and looking at medicines in the supermarket; she had problems with her guts.
I spoke to her one morning in the supermarket, I told her about her problem, she said yes, I told her that I could solve her problem, she said yes, I told her that she was going to join my harem, and she said yes. Mrs G doesn't say much, just yes when she is asked or told something, but I enjoy her very much. Honey-Bunch is also very fond of Mrs G, everybody loves Mrs G.
After a while I noticed the third girl in the supermarket, her name was Undis, she was quite slim and attractive. But she didn't stay small, no, she always bought lots of underwear and grew fatter and fatter, I thought that she was going to burst. After a couple of months I got enough courage to speak to her.
“Hello, I know what your problem is.” “I only do it because I'm lonely.” “I can help.” “Yes, I know.” In the car on the way home she did burst, her blouse split from top to bottom, we were just in time. At home I took off her bra, a white one, a black one, a pink one, some opened at the back, some at the side and some at the front (my favourite).
And her knickers, all different colours, strings, tangas, big ones, small ones, ones that undo at the sides (my favourite). It took over an hour to get down to the bare flesh.
I really enjoyed the girls, they liked it too, not that Mrs G said very much. I had to buy a bigger bed, we all slept in the one bed together, apart from Josephine. Josephine normally sleeps alone because she is very confused and a bit different; she is however less confused than when I first met her. I introduced Access Control to the girls, this means the wearing of the right clothing for quick access.
I didn't see Mrs Happy in the supermarket, no, in the supermarket car park. She looked interesting to me, she smelled right, she looked very strict and proper. The next time I went to the supermarket, I always take some of the girls with me, Mrs Happy was still in the car park, still in the same clothes, still unhappy, and smelling even stronger. The girls said that she stank. I thought about this and decided to kidnap Mrs Happy.
We waited until it was dark and returned to the car park, she was still there and looking rather weak. The car was driven up close to her, two of the girls sprang out, grabbed Mrs Happy, shoved her onto the back seat and we drove off. Mrs Happy didn't struggle, scream or do anything, she was too weak. The girls fed her soft white bread and milk.
Back home they carried her to the bathroom, ripped off her clothes and scrubbed her. No, they didn't use sandpaper as in Pygmalion. Mrs G dressed Mrs Happy in some of her clothing. At the dinner table two of the girls sat very close to her at both sides to stop her falling over.
It took a week for Mrs Happy to recover, however she did not look any happier, she never does. I told her that if she wanted to stay she would have to join my harem, I explained at great detail. I said that I would be very pleased if she would do that.
She said that my harem was disgraceful and that I should be ashamed of myself. She took an hour to explain how awful it was and how awful I was. Honey-Bunch was far too young and ought to be at home with her mother. “She is under age!” What was particularly bad, was what I did with Josephine. “If it isn't illegal, it should be.” Mrs Happy joined the harem.
Mrs Happy uses every opportunity to tell me how wrong the harem is, even when I am trying to make her happy (she insists that I do this). She says something about doing her duty to me and continues to grumble, that is, until I succeed.
Once and only once, when she was getting a large quantity of this awful and disgraceful activity, did I see her smile. Some people might find it hypercritical that Mrs Happy continually objects to the activities in the harem but apparently enjoys them herself. I don't think that way, as long as she is happy (in her own way) and I am happy, that's alright by me.
I never say “my girls”, I don't own them, they are free to come and go and do what they like (which normally involves me). However I do say “my harem”, because I enjoy it and I am not going to share it with anybody else.