another important person

They were just awful.

StoryKettle » BETTY ON TOUR » another important person

Copyright © 2022, Michael M Wayman

Betty found them, they were all part of a group, a group of evil and nasty men – it was always men. They were just awful. Betty wanted to terminate them immediately, but NO. A big NO came from somewhere. Betty had to change her plans – she had never had a NO before, be it a small no or a big NO. It was of course from the nurses.

The nurses had to explain to the four men: mayor, procurator, comptroller and another important person. They needed to resign and leave the country. The important person did not see the need to run, the nurses had to let Betty kill him. The other three boarded a plane for Australia.

The nurses took over the town hall and held a part to celebrate. Betty danced and the nurses sang.