
Not even a chocolate Father Xmas.

StoryKettle » THE CAT » Leonberger

Copyright © 2020, Michael M Wayman

The cat was slumped back in the corner of a wooden park bench with armrests with Angie. They were doing a lot of nothing, it was a sunny day.

“Hello cat! I saw you on the TV last night.”

“Hello Great Dane! We haven't seen each other for some time. How yer doing?”

“Fine, fine. Even better since you got rid of the awful fishes. Why anyone should like fish I don’t know.”

“You’re just trying to wind me up, some fish taste real good.”

“If you say so.”

“What happened to your new girlfriend, a big, brown dog? You said a lot about her last time we met.”

“Nice lady, but I’m getting old and I’ve got two girlfriends already. Giessey is about your size, cat. You know...

“Hello Griesela!”

The very large brown dog, with a black face, turned towards the cat. She showed her teeth and growled.

“That’s not very friendly, you know.”

“You’re a very large cat and you want to bite my head off...”

“No, no, no! I’ve never bitten the head off anybody, not even a chocolate Father Xmas. I like you, you’re my size, you’re great...”

“You’re making fun of me...”

“I like making fun, I got my own TV show, you know.” The cat stood on its hind legs and danced. He was wearing a small, black pork pie hat and blue shorts.

“I knew it, I’ve seen you before...”

“Yup! You’ve seen me singing and dancing on TV. I’ll tell you something or maybe two. I really like you and I want to sing and dance with you on my show. But first let’s go and see Angie – it’s time to eat.”

“Hello cat, who’s your friend?”

“Griesela is a Leonberger; she doesn’t like pet food either.”

“Pleased to meet you, Griesela. I know what, I’ve got a nice piece of stewed beef in the freezer. I’ll take it out and microwave it, ready in five minutes. It’s without any salt or herbs, just how you like it.”

Angie went into the kitchen and the cat stroked Griesela with a paw. “That’s very good, I can’t feel your claws either.”

“Us cats have an extra feature, retractable claws. Quite handy sometimes.”

Angie came back with a bowl of hot steaming meat for the dog and the cat; and a plate for herself. “I hope you like it.”

The three of them were relaxed in the local pub, the Narrow Boat, they were sitting on an old sofa and talking about this, that and the other. Griesela asked “How come we can all speak to each other, even to humans?”

“That’s the magic of the cat, he can read your mind. And I’ll tell you about a little something in his head. He likes you, and he wants you to perform in his show. There are rehearsals tomorrow, but don’t worry I’ll be there, and several others. We’ll teach you to stand on your hind legs and dance, it’ll be fun. I’ll get another round, another vodka milk for you, Griesela?”