About this site –
This website is called the Story Kettle.
It is full of stories written by me, Michael M Wayman –
hundreds of stories, long, short and very short.
Update: Roger has written a story.
This site has been optimised for mobile and laptop usage.
I write short stories and very short stories; mostly humorous, sometimes sad;
not extraordinary but not ordinary; about ordinary people doing unordinary things;
sometimes in German.
Try the excerpts
and my blog and contact details.
About the stories – Many of my stories are short or very short – see the collections at Shorts and Treacle and OTTer and the site map. Some are funny, some are sad, some are absurd, most are unordinary. Some of my stories are long, they are long series of short stories, multi-part stories, such as Colin and his life and Cuthbert and his harem.
ALL STORIES – Please use the site map to find everything on this website, or a good read.
Confusion – If you feel confused by this website this is intentional.
Copyright – All material on this website is copyrighted. All rights reserved.
Correct English – I try to write good English, however not “Correct English”, more English as she is spoken and of course “Creative English” You won't find much “whom nor” and “It is I” and “my friends and I” here.
Contact me – at contact me or is that too difficult?
Date of a page –
You can read the date of any page on this website
by right-clicking on the page and on
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The dates for this page were:
<meta name="DC.Date.modified" content="2022-12-26">
<meta name="DC.Date.created" content="2009-10-17">
Funny – Some of my stories are funny, in both senses of the word, both funny ha ha and funny peculiar. But not many funny stories, which literally means jokes. Or perhaps all of my stories are one big joke. You choose.
German content – Some of the stories are written in German. This is not a bilingual website - most of the content is English and some is German. There is very little overlap. I find that translation work is unrewarding. Stories from different viewpoints and language are Frau Alpert and the story of Fay and two things left. Click on the German flag for the list of all German stories.
Ich schreibe Kurzgeschichten und sehr Kurzgeschichten; meist komisch, manchmal traurig; nicht außergewöhnlich aber nicht gewöhnlich; auf Englisch, manchmal auf Deutsch.
Es gibt Sammlungen von Kurzgeschichten – siehe
Es gibt Langgeschichten die aus vielen Kurzgeschichten bestehen
– Beispiele sind Frau Alpert und Cuthbert
Goals – I want people in the whole world to read my stories. Secondary goals are to find a publisher, to use advertising to help pay the costs, and to gain feedback from the readers.
GOOD READ – My longer multi-part stories are described at a good read.
Home page – Click on the black kettle at the top left of every page to reach the home page. However there is black kettle at the top left of the home page.
How is this website put together?
Links to other websites – I have a large collection of links and selected links and top ten links. The Story Kettle is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. Please report broken links or suggestions to contact. This website is not a "link farm."
Do you want to link to this site?
Link to you –
Do you want a link to your website? Then contact me!
Acceptable links are humour for links,
selected topics for selected links
and of course to stories.
Men stories are Colin and Cuthbert and Toby and b.
Mistakes – Be aware that most of my mistakes are intended!
Mobile – This site has been optimised for mobile and big screen usage.
NEW STORIES – New stuff is at the top of the home page and in the contact and headland index pages. New miscellaneous at offcuts.
Offcuts – I have a large collection of bits and pieces, miscellaneous, odds and ends, jumble, all sorts, this and that, odds and sods, left overs, sundries, other bits, bits and bobs, titbits, snippets, words, and pictures and tips and recipes. Some are even stories, most are what Big Tone would call “Pieces Of Nonsense”. Try offcuts for the newest offcuts and index of titles and links and top ten links.
Privacy and Cookies
This website uses Google AdSense advertisements which use cookies,
click here for more details.
This website itself uses no cookies, maintains no database, collects no personal data
(other than standard server logs and emails),
and forwards no personal data to others.
If you have any questions or comments about this website's Privacy Policy please
contact me.
Picture galleries – You can click on a picture (instead of a menu) at pix.
Printing –
You can use your browser (control–P) to print out any of the stories (A4 or US Letter in portrait mode);
advertising and most of the navigation text will not be printed.
A “page setup” may be necessary – setting the margins smaller/larger (top and bottom), blanking off header and footer titles, and possibly ticking “shrink to fit page” or setting the “scale”.
Try my Herb&Spice Chart
and birthday calendar.
Pseudonym – I use a nom de plume (pen name) for this website: one part is my middle name as in the middle of my pen name and the other part is my mother's maiden name.
Publishers – If you want to publish or use my stories, then please contact me.
Recipes –
Click on recipes
and external recipe links
Schoolgirl stories are Jennffer and Doreen and Chardonnay and vertex.
Search Engines, Web Crawlers, Archivers – This website is statically linked and provides sitemap.xml and sitemap.txt files to list all interesting pages.
Site Map – Please use the site map to find everything on this website, or a good read.
What stories – Stories for adults, stories to read, absurd stories, humorous stories, humourous stories, humerous stories, odd stories, unordinary stories, sad stories, painful stories, very short stories, short stories, German stories, Kurzgeschichten, multi-part stories, stories to make you laugh, and stories to make you cry. I wanted to write absurd stories with humour, but somehow I also wrote stories of love and sadness and PAIN.
About me – I think that you are more interested in about this site above. My name is Michael M Wayman. Try bits of my life. You can contact me. I write stories. You can probably find my inner soul in my stories somewhere – just look!
About us – This page is normally titled “about us” but there is only one of me.
About you – Yes, I've written about you. You who read my stories. And who I think you are, but hopefully not who I want you to be.
After I am gone –
If it were said that
I wrote children's stories for adults
I would not be unhappy.
Or if
I wrote stories you want your children to read out loud to you
I would be just as happy.