what a good shot

They’re all going to end up in jail.

StoryKettle » Evelynn&Arthur » what a good shot

Copyright © 2023, Michael M Wayman

Arthur grabbed a wooden box with a gun in it, he ran along the road away from the Villa, he rounded two hills out of sight, he stopped, he phoned the police in Braidavick. No, they didn’t want to know, they didn’t want to know that somebody was selling assault guns for 700 dollars apiece to a whole group of people on the edge of their town. They didn’t believe him.

Evelynn sat at a table with Mrs and Mr Porterman, they were so happy that they had bought a gun, they ate plates of sausages and potato salad, they were going to try shooting with their gun on the firing range or perhaps take 30 minutes shut‑eye like they usually did after lunch. She stared at the Portermans, they fell asleep.

Arthur entered the police building and found the duty room. There were two groups of people arguing about something, probably a hedge or a tree or too loud or too silly – two police men were trying to keep them apart – it was loud.

Arthur pushed his way past the squabbling neighbours and banged a long, low wooden box on the counter top. “Hello Sergeant Klein! I’ve got a present for you.” Arthur levered the top off the box. Everybody stared at the rifle in the opened box and dropped onto the floor. The neighbours ran away.

Evelynn took the Portermans’ gun and slung it over her shoulder; she took the box of ammo and wandered over to the firing range. She checked the rifle over and loaded a clip of ammo. She didn’t use ear and eye protection – she fired at a target – v.good. She set the rifle to automatic – she fired at a target – v.good. Every one wanted to watch the little girl in action.

Arthur explained to the police about the gun sale – about fifty people.

Sergeant Klein took charge. “This going to be a big operation – we need the police from Ferguson Lake – first we block the road to the Villa in the Valley.”

Evelynn managed to slip away – the helicopter was back – she got into the helicopter – she took off – she headed to Ferguson Lake – she groved Arthur.

Arthur knew what to do – run to Ferguson Lake.

Evelynn entered the police building in Ferguson Lake and found the duty room. Evelynn banged an assault rifle on the counter top. “Hello Sergeant Knowles! I’ve got a present for you. I’ve brought your helicopter back, it’s sitting on your H, some idiot has painted it camouflage green and given it a New Zealand registration number.”

Evelynn gave Arthur a big hug.

More at Torkle stories and quaint stories